
Osmanthus Fragrans 与桂花

Osmanthus Fragrans 与桂花

桂花(英文:Osmanthus fragrans),桂花原产于亚洲。从喜马拉雅地区、中国、日本南部等地均有野生,印度、尼泊尔、柬埔寨也有分布。 功效与作用: 桂花有很高的药用价值:提取芳香油,制桂花浸膏,可用于食品、化妆品,可制糕点、糖果,并可酿酒。桂花味辛,可入药。以花、果实及根入药。秋季采花;春季采果;四季采根,分别晒干。花:辛,温。果:辛、甘,温。根:甘、微涩,平。功能主治:花:散寒破结,化痰止咳。用于牙痛,咳喘痰多,经闭腹痛。果:暖胃,平肝,散寒。用于虚寒胃痛。根:祛风湿,散寒。用于风湿筋骨疼痛,腰痛,肾虚牙痛。 桂花泡茶:桂花茶可养颜美容 ,舒缓喉咙 ,改善多痰、咳嗽症状 ,治十二指肠溃疡 ,荨麻疹、胃寒胃疼 、口臭 、视觉不明 。

Osmanthus Fragrans 与桂花

桂花(英文:Osmanthus fragrans),桂花原产于亚洲。从喜马拉雅地区、中国、日本南部等地均有野生,印度、尼泊尔、柬埔寨也有分布。 功效与作用: 桂花有很高的药用价值:提取芳香油,制桂花浸膏,可用于食品、化妆品,可制糕点、糖果,并可酿酒。桂花味辛,可入药。以花、果实及根入药。秋季采花;春季采果;四季采根,分别晒干。花:辛,温。果:辛、甘,温。根:甘、微涩,平。功能主治:花:散寒破结,化痰止咳。用于牙痛,咳喘痰多,经闭腹痛。果:暖胃,平肝,散寒。用于虚寒胃痛。根:祛风湿,散寒。用于风湿筋骨疼痛,腰痛,肾虚牙痛。 桂花泡茶:桂花茶可养颜美容 ,舒缓喉咙 ,改善多痰、咳嗽症状 ,治十二指肠溃疡 ,荨麻疹、胃寒胃疼 、口臭 、视觉不明 。


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Regular consumption of bird's nest can effectively alleviate common issues in women such as cold uterus, Yin deficiency, and weak immune system. The immune system and physical strength of expectant...


Bird's Nest Nutritional Age Range

4 - 12 years old: 2 - 3g per serving, once a day or every other day, continuously consumed for 3 months. 12 - 18 years old: 5 - 8g...

Bird's Nest Nutritional Age Range

4 - 12 years old: 2 - 3g per serving, once a day or every other day, continuously consumed for 3 months. 12 - 18 years old: 5 - 8g...



20 - 25 years old: Skin begins to loosen, and signs of aging emerge. Bird's nest can help fade spots, reduce acne, diminish wrinkles, hydrate and moisturize the skin, promote...


20 - 25 years old: Skin begins to loosen, and signs of aging emerge. Bird's nest can help fade spots, reduce acne, diminish wrinkles, hydrate and moisturize the skin, promote...