20 - 25 years old: Skin begins to loosen, and signs of aging emerge. Bird's nest can help fade spots, reduce acne, diminish wrinkles, hydrate and moisturize the skin, promote collagen absorption, and leave your skin smooth, flawless, and elastic.
26 - 30 years old: Collagen in the face gradually starts to deplete, accelerating skin aging. Consuming an appropriate amount of bird's nest during this period can alleviate aging signs, prevent skin sagging, enhance beauty and complexion, while also boosting immune function.
31 - 40 years old: Eating bird's nest can improve irregular menstrual cycles, including conditions like dysmenorrhea, promoting overall female health.
40 years old and beyond: As nerve cells undergo decomposition, development, and regeneration, consuming bird's nest is believed to assist in enhancing memory.