- 购物满$65发货,所有产品都在配送/邮寄当天早上新鲜制作
- 目前洛杉矶地区、湾区我们采取Local Delivery,配送日上门送货时段:12pm-9pm
- 其他地区,我们都将采用全程冰袋保鲜以及UPS NEXT-DAY AIR Shipping服务,第一天发货,次日到达!NESTMii将为您承担大部分运费,邮费为$28起,具体费用如下:
0-3瓶 | 4-6瓶 | 7-9瓶 | 10-15瓶 | 16-20瓶 | 21瓶以上 | |
UPS NEXT-DAY AIR | $28 | $33 | $38 | $48 | $58 | 客服询价 |
UPS NEXT-DAY AIR+签名费 | $32.95 | $37.95 | $42.95 | $52.95 | $62.95 | 客服询价 |
- Shipping Policy
提前准备 Plan Ahead:
Please make sure there is someone waiting at the delivered address and be sure to provide a phone number where you may be reached.
送货当天 Deliver Date:
1. 由于我们的产品是新鲜炖煮后立马寄出,并且不含防腐剂和添加剂,在派送时间内,请务必在家等候您的外卖。收到后第一时间检查并放入冰箱冷藏。
Our products are fresh-made and sent out immediately, all products do not contain any preservatives or additives.Please make sure to wait for your delivery at home during delivery time. Check that it is correct the first time you receive it and put it in the refrigerator to chill.
2. 全程我们都将采用冷鲜包装+冰袋在外卖箱内营造冷藏空间, 需要您第一时间放到冰箱, 如果出现任何问题,请在delivered time的两小时内联系客服。由于新鲜食品,超出送达时间后两个小时概不负责,敬请谅解。
In the whole process we will use cold fresh packaging & ice bags in the take-out box to create a refrigerated space.Please wait at home during the delivery time of the bird's nest, and contact customer service within two hours if there is any problem. Please understand that due to fresh food, we are not responsible for food that is delivered more than two hours after the delivery time.
3. 如果居住的区域容易丢件,请务必加$4.95 UPS签名服务。保证外卖不会丢失
If you live in an area that is prone to lost shipments, please add $4.95 UPS Signature Service.
If it has not been requested the system will automatically apply no signature service. We will take no responsibility for the loss.
添加签名服务后需要及时签署外卖, 避免无人签收被退回, 如果因个人未签收导致包裹返回Carrier造成燕窝变质概不负责。
After applying signature service, please make sure to wait for the packages within the delivery time. If the package is returned to the Carrier due to personal reasons resulting in the deterioration of the bird's nest we are not responsible.
如收到外卖时出现任何破损,请在收到后立即联系客服,不要丢弃任何包装,根据客服发送的指南拍摄 7 张不同角度的破损照片。
If any damage occurs when you receive the delivery, please contact customer service immediately upon receipt, do not discard any contents and the package, and take 7 photos of the damage from different angles according to the guide sent by customer service.
我们可以协助您和快递公司claim并获取赔偿。如果无法提供符合要求的照片则无法为您进行 claim。
We will help you to claim with the courier company and help you to get the compensation for the failure of the courier company at the first time.
(The problem of the cap overflowing liquid, please do not worry, the air pressure in the process will cause the bottle gas compression and then expansion, resulting in a small amount of liquid will overflow, is a normal phenomenon)
我们尽一切可能按计划发货,但不对因天气或 "天灾 "而延误的交货负责。下单后,我们不提供退款或换货。
We do everything possible to ship according to schedule, but are not responsible for deliveries that are delayed due to weather or “Acts of God.” We do not offer refunds or exchanges after the order is placed.
Please note that we will not assume responsibility for any incorrect addresses provided to us.
Please inspect your package immediately upon receipt. All claims must be filed within 2 hours of receipt.
- 发货地址不正确或不完整
- Incorrect or incomplete shipping address
- 送达后丢失/被盗的快递
- Lost/stolen deliveries once delivered
- 节日高峰期造成的延误
- Delays caused during peak holiday seasons
- 与天气有关的交付问题
- Weather-related delivery issues
- 由于收件人没有遵守(包装上的)说明而无法使用的饮品
- Products that become unusable because of failure to follow instructions (in the package) by the recipient
我们希望能给你最好最美味的体验,所以如果你在订购过程中出现错误,请马上微信联系NESTMiiIUS 或给我们发邮件:cs@NESTMii.com
With that said, we want to give you the best and most delicious experience possible, so if you made an error in the ordering process, please contact right away at WeChat: NESTMiiIUS Office hours are Monday - Friday between 9am – 8pm PST. Or email us at nestmii.com
取消/更改订单 Cancellation/Change Order:
Cancellation, order change, address change need to be advised to NESTMiiUS 48 hours (by 5:00pm PST) prior to your requested delivery date.We will not be able to change delivery address, content, or recipient information once we ship out your order.